Customer Experience
Using Touchpoints

Create experiences and connect seamlessly
through customer touchpoints

Book a Demo Starts at just $10/month

Take your loyalty rewards program to new heights






Earning transactions per day


Points earned per year

End-to-End Loyalty Software Solution provider that
drive Engagement, Growth and
secure Transactability

loyalty engine



  • Campaign Management
  • Rule Engine
  • BI Reporting
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reward marketplace

Rewards Marketplace

Rewards Marketplace

  • Vendor Network
  • Custom offers & Incentives
  • Customer segements
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industry base loyalty

Industry based Loyalty

Industry based Loyalty

  • BFSI
  • Retail
  • Ecommerce
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analytics and BI reporting

Analytics & BI Reporting

Analytics & BI Reporting

  • Reporting & Dashboards
  • RFM Analysis
  • Interactive Data Visualization
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experience manager

Experience Manager

Experience Manager

  • Grow customer value
  • Enrich customer strategy
  • Leverage insights & analytics
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Loyalty is all about earning reward points & easier ways to redeem them!

Let's get started with a loyalty management system that crafts beautiful programs, rewards system for customers on their purchases, foster referrals and much more.

  • Elevate Customer Engagement
    Drive engagement through customer points system that encourage repeat sales and give your customers more reasons to shop from your brand!
  • Tailored Experience
    Let your customers have an experience worthwhile with the right features stuffed in the loyalty program software. Fit in exactly what your customers would love to have.
  • Build Brand Advocates
    Incentivize your loyal customers with rewards, offers and various other perks to let them share the positive experience with their friends and family.
redeem reward points
unique vip program

A Unique VIP Program to reward your Exclusive Customers

Recognize and reward your loyal customers through a distinctive loyalty program platform tailored to your business requirements. Encourage your regular customers and keep them coming back.

  • Joining Rewards
    Let your customers feel they're valued right from the time they've just joined in your business loyalty program. Provide rewards on every customer signup and grip them from the first instance.
  • Exclusive Loyalty Program Landing Page
    Willing to have a separate landing page for the exclusive customer loyalty rewards program? We've got you covered! Get a complete customized landing page with everything you need stuffed under just one page.
  • Flexible Settings
    Build flexible loyalty rewards programs platform with smart settings which can be amended anytime you wish to! Set everything altered to customer requirements and make changes as and when required.
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Power Customer Engagement through Referrals!

Join in for building excellent loyalty rewards program application which isn't limited to transactional rewards but, foster engagement through referrals.

  • Increase Engagement
    Drive customer engagement through a smart and rewarding referral program that lets your customer not just make repeat purchase but recommend your brand to others too!
  • Customized Approach
    Get started with tailored referral loyalty programs to give your loyal customers multiple reasons for spreading a positive word about your brand, amongst their friends and family.
  • Create Brand Advocates
    Reward your customers with exclusive perks on sharing referral codes to their friends and family.
referral program

Real Insights from Businesses Like Yours

We move forward with just one goal for the clients-Helping them in attaining better business outcomes, and
for more than a decade of great services, that's exactly what we've done till date!


In first time visitors


In average basket size


Share of Checkout

150 Mn+

Rewards Issued

Smart Loyalty, Tailored
to your Business Type

loyalty engine

Banking Loyalty

Even the banking industry needs something extra to grip the customers and that's the reason it's highly recommended to have a bank loyalty program in place! We enable banks & financial institutions to reach out a larger customer base by leveraging data & targeting customers effectively.

Retail & E-Commerce Loyalty

Deliver personalized experience through every touchpoint, bringing a well-equipped loyalty program specially curated for the retail & e-commerce businesses for increasing marketing efficiency and customer loyalty rewards.

Employee Loyalty

A happy team makes great brands and that's why every brand needs an effective employee loyalty program! Ride with us in the loyalty journey to make your employees feel recognized & valued at work.

Channel Loyalty

Segment partners, customize rewards and personalize communications with our channel loyalty rewards program. Incentivize your channel partners and make them support your product & services more over the rest.

Travel & Hospitality

Travel & Hospitality is quite a competitive industry where all that matters is an amazing experience! Give your customers more reasons to choose you with a rewarding loyalty program to keep them intact with you!

Coalition Loyalty

Have a group of businesses willing to work together to engage customers collectively? Here’s where a coalition loyalty program comes in action! Connect various members/merchants/businesses together under one loyalty program.

Our difference is your success


We believe in a collaborative partnership model which ensures we only succeed financially when our partners do. Work with us for guaranteed revenue!


Keep sensitive data protected with advanced policies associated with network security, data privacy, fraud protection, and regulatory compliance.


Integrate your business loyalty program with a full suite of flexible accrual & redemption solutions or work with multiple brands across our global network with ease.


With operations in several locations across the globe, our team is always there to assist clients with the best-in-class customer loyalty software solutions tailored to improve customer engagement.

Quick Integration

Already running a loyalty rewards program catering to your business goals? Level up and advance with us through a smart tiered incentive program with the features to upgrade your currently running program or kickstart right from scratch. Let's build a custom loyalty and rewards solution, conveniently integrated with your existing system or solution.

Try It For Free

Trusted Partners

We have build loyalty for some of the most influential and valuable brands

The results from using Novus rewards program are inspiring; in just 4 months after launching the rewards program our customer retention rate has increased by 30%.

- Nicolas. P, Owner, Retail

Quick integration and easy configuration helped us launch our enhanced loyalty rewards program. We had a lot of questions, and were very happy with the support we received during our program set up. We have seen great results using the program. Good work Novus team. Appreciated

- Sanyal, Vice President, BFSI

Loyalty Blogs

engage customers with free trial loyalty software

Using Free Trials as an Efficient & Profitable Way to Generate Sales

Posted on March 24, 2022 by Natalia

customer loyalty program statics in 2022

Best Customer Behavior, Loyalty Marketing & Loyalty Statistics for 2022 and Beyond

Posted on March 31, 2022 by Natalia

Business Growth Calculator

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