Customize Rewards to
Foster Repeat Referrals

Curate referral incentives based on specific business requirements
through varied reward types-

  • Accelerated Points Earnings
  • Free Shipping Discount
  • Fixed Amount Discount
  • Percentage Discount
Referral loyalty programs
redeem rewards

Maximize Referral

Use personalized rewards for letting more referrals
make purchases. Define the conditions on when
and how the referrals will be rewarded.

Automate Rewards

Send referral rewards automatically through any
marketing channel of the choice and
stay hassle free with rewards management.

automate rewards program
built in analytics

Built-In Analytics

Access and analyze total profits, monitor the
leaderboard and keep a track on the
overall performance with built-in analytics.

Send Referral Codes through Multiple Channels

Let the referral software send the required messages to the targeted segment of audience based on reset guidelines

  • Broadcast & Automated Email
  • SMS & Push Notifications
  • Website Push Notifications
  • Social Media
  • Live Chats or Chatbots
Book a Consultation
send referral codes

Loyalty Blogs

Integrating Referral and Loyalty Program

How's Integrating Referral and Loyalty Programs an excellent choice for a Marketing Strategy

Posted on February 17th, 2022 by Natalia

developing loyalty program for b2b companies

B2B Loyalty Programs; Understanding the Concept and Importance

Posted on March 16th, 2022 by Natalia

free trial loyalty software

Using Free Trials as an Efficient & Profitable Way to Generate Sales

Posted on March 24th, 2022 by Natalia

Build your Referral Program in Days with our ready to integrate solutions!

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