Smart & Flexible Loyalty Rule Engine

For Endless Possibilities to Reward Customers

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How Does Loyalty Rule Engine Work?

From rewarding high-value customers to putting a limit on points earning, get insights on how to create and manage Earning Rule, Qualifying Rule & Communication Flow to reward customers as per your needs.

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Rewarding Customers with
Rule-Based Customization

Tailor everything as per your business's needs and customers' demands! Make use of our smart rule editor to send the right offers, deals, and notifications to customers exactly when they need them!

Qualifying Rule

Qualifying rules specify the conditions that must be met for your campaign to be activated. Whether you are planning your loyalty campaign for product or service inventory type, set your conditions with our easy-to-use rule editor and make any desired campaign live in just a few minutes.

Edit and update qualifying rules in any of your smart campaigns with ease as per the changing needs of customers.

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Earning Rule

Set earning limits in terms of points, currency & discounts by customers along with maximum earnings per customer. Also, there is another feature where you can set the Global Campaign Limit which signifies the total earnings all customers can earn during the campaign period along with the daily earning limit by every customer.

Rule on Incoming Transaction is another aspect where you can define how many points can be earned based on transactional conditions to be met. Plan and combine earning rules based on factors like time, segment, location, and other aspects.

Communication Flow

Apart from easy and smart campaign management, our rule engine comes with a feature that helps you notify customers about the upcoming campaign, during the campaign, and winners through SMS or Email marketing, without a hassle.

Reach customers with faster and more reliable campaigns and engage with them through timely notifications sent weekly, monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, or annually for better brand visibility.

Customizable Campaigns

Loyalty is better customized! Get your customers the right set of deals and make sure they find them relevant. We make recurring tasks easier and offering quick reusable templates which are time limited and well-targeted!

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Rule Editor for

Have a preset plan for your loyalty rewards program? Turn it to be a campaign with our powerful rule editor offering extensive flexibility to integrate with the rewards platform.

rule editor for campaigns

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